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Chingrimi A. Shimray

Chingrimi identifies herself as the otter emoji. She hasn't decided what she wants to be called yet. In the three months of lockdown, she has been successful in identifying three different types of 'indigenous' leaves. She is a major collector and her Instagram page @respectable_woman_ stands testimony to her ecclectic art collection. Other than that she is currently doing her research on Tangkhul Textiles in Ukhrul, Manipur. 

 'Iyavo!' She Said. 


'Iyavo' is a remark in Tangkhul, equivalent to 'oh my!’. 


This photo series is a documentation of my aunt's choice of clothing—influenced by her taste and activities during the lockdown. The subject is a quirky human and pictures were taken on different days. This is a less romanticised representation of the ‘indigenous’ woman. 



Image I 

Planting strawberries one drizzling morning. Seen wearing a waterproof jacket, with thrifted New Balance shoes, an indispensable element of a staple gardening outfit. 


Image II 

Mother's Day, sipping tea in an Amway Nutrilite Cup. Seen wearing a polyester shirt, which is not a problem for the Ukhrul weather. 


Image III 

On a drizzling afternoon, getting some fertilisers in a flashy pink raincoat shared and worn by the husband too. 


Image IV 

Evening tea break. The scarf is a protective gear from the harsh sun. A go-to look for any labour-intensive activity. 


Image V

Post-gardening but still getting distracted by the plants. After this, we went fresh mint and chives hunting for the salad. 


Image VI

Post-dinner, she washes her hands and takes a deep breath after sipping on Hei-mang tea. The stretchy turtle neck reminds me of Yayoi Kusama's art. 

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